Digital History is a useful alternative to how we access, understand, and contribute individual knowledge of general history. With new technological advancements, we have the benefits of interpreting history according to our own expectations and standards. In this advantage, this might be beneficial in an academic and professional setting where there are time constraints and limitations. If it seems impossible to have the actual physical material, digital history is the next best option. Also, digital history is useful in making special arrangements to gather historical data and material.

In my personal experience, using digital history has been a productive experience. I enjoy reviewing historical material at the tip of my hands or using digital technology to establish and build history in my academic courses. Digital history enables a variety of ways to bring historical events or memories into the present. With the proper support and resources, students or academic professionals could create a digital platform to realistically depict anything that we fully cannot experience again as a society. This encourages keeping any part of history alive through spreading awareness.

I believe digital history could act as an advocate for voices of the past. We currently have the ability to continue or complete any historical context through implements of digital history. I believe digital history is present in every part of society and life as it happens. We create history digitally through our technological resources of cell phones, tablets, and computers that gives us access to social medias. From social media, history is created through our expressions of our interests. Although we are all separate in our personal lives, we are constantly revolutionizing the world through digital history.